Eliminate dark spots on your skin

My Good friend Josef Buskila, has been suffering from dark discolored spots on his face especially the forehead. It was brought to his attention that there is a simple natural solution for the problem and for the last 2 months he has been using the following facial mask and we are amazed by the results (he was kind enough to share it with all of us)


  • 1 whole egg yolk
  • 1 table spoon fresh lemon juice.


  1. Mix it well together  and  apply it to your discolored spots, the fatty acid in the egg yolk will feed your skin cell and the lemon will brighten those spot. 
  2. I actually do it as a facial mask, it really feels great and my skin feels rejuvenated.
  3. Leave it for 20-30 minutes and wash with lukewarm water.

Done! Affordable home remedy for your skin. Easy, breezy, lemon squeezy (literarily)